Gain time with Fokus
To put it simply, Fokus is a todolist on Steroids, packed with awesome features that help you work smarter and live happier. It is Free, Opensource, Offline-first web application, and designed to respect users' privacy. Fokus helps the user to turn their long todo lists into tasks with pre-specified times, tracks users' progress and actually gets the work done with focus.
Structure your todolists with Fokus
Fokus is filled with amazing features that helps the user boost their productivity. It helps you regain your clarity to actually focus and get tasks done instead of worrying about them all day. It's all about getting tasks done on time with focus.

Create Timed Tasks
You can assign each task with a time . Now, when you need to pick a task, fokus on it, start the timerand complete it before the timer goes off. Add labels and reorder tasks according to priority.

Play soothing soundscapes as you focus on a task to improve concentration and helps you avoid external distractions. Also, it keeps you on track to get task done and acts as a gentle reminder of the task in fokus.

Track your progress
Fokus lets you track your progress live w.r.t. the time worked and also the tasks completed. This way you know not only what is left, but exactly how much is left.

Fokus Timer
Choose a task to "fokus" on. Start timer and execute task. The countdown timer shows you the task under fokus, and the tasks' time left.

Tasks' distribution
Assign labels to your tasks and the Pie chart beautifully visualizes the distribution of your work and life balance. Also, fokus beings you a daily quote to motivate you for the day.

Dark Mode
Fokus comes with in-built Dark Mode. It looks elegant and simply beautiful, and also have less strain on eyes.